The community Hub will replace the toilet block at south beach promenade. It will include a café, a service area for the crazy golf and wheelchair/Deckchair projects and also provide public and changing places toilets.

The café will be a coffee shop providing snacks, cakes and other hot drinks and could provide employment for 2 or more people.
The café will be sorrounded on 3 sides with decking that will have tables and chairs and a canopy that will provide screening form the weather. The glass fronted cafe will be south facing towards the sea and will give spectacular views of the clyde coast and the isle of arran.
The café will provide internal seating for approximatley 9 people and external seating on the decking area for 20 people.
At the Trust we are big on doing our bit for the environment therefore we will make the Hub an energy efficient building by including Photovoltaic Panels (PV panels) to harvest solar energy from the sun to be converted into electrical energy to be used within the building. An Air Source Heat Pump that extracts airs from the outside and uses electricity to compress the air and release it at a higher temperature internally. Dependent on what type of pump is utilised, this can be used for both heating, cooling and hot water supply.
Service Area:
The Service area at the rear of the hub will provide a space where ACDT staff can facilitate their Crazy Golf and Deckchair/Wheeler project. There will be a main storage area for the deckchairs and wheleers and a kiosk area where the hiring of equipment will be serviced.
Public toilet:
There will be 2 unisex public toilets on the west side of the building that will be accesible through the café and also for the general public via an external entrance. The toilets will be open at the same time as the café.
Changing Places toilet:
A fully compliant Changing Places Toilet that is accessed externally with ramped accessible access from the promenade level. This has been developed alongside CPT Practical Guidance and includes a height-adjustable and freestanding manoeuvring bench to accommodate different usage scenarios and a height-adjustable washbasin. Those wishing to use the changing places toilet can request a RADAR key from the cafe adjacent to the toilet.
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