As many of you will have noticed the construction of Ardrossan Sorbie Wind Farm has begun.
Energyfarm UK Sorbie LLP is the developer of Sorbie wind farm which will consist of three Enercon E115 EP3 turbines with 125m tip heights and a total installed capacity of 12.6MW.
The developer will provide £1667.67p per MW of generated capacity installed on Sorbie Wind Farm, if the farm reaches the expected capacity this could generate over £20,000 per annum. ACDT will receive this money and will distribute it for community benefit in Ardrossan in accordance with guidance to be agreed.
A document has been drawn up to demonstrate the commitment of Energyfarm UK Sorbie LLP to enter into a legally binding Community Benefit Agreement with the local communities of the proposed Sorbie Wind Farm.
The Community Benefit Agreement relates to the management of the Community Benefit Fund that would be provided by the proposed Sorbie Wind Farm.
The memorandum of understanding and any subsequent community benefit agreement will not in any way affect the rigt of any person to submit a response in respect of any planning application in relation to the Sorbie Wind Farm.
The parties to the agreement are:
Energyfarm UK Sorbie LLP, (“the Developer”)
Ardrossan Community Development Trust (“ACDT”)

If Sorbie Wind Farm is brought into commercial operation, agreement will be honoured by both parties.
ACDT will manage the Community Benefit Fund for the benefit of communities living within the Community Council areas of Ardrossan.
Level Of Fund
The developer proposes offering a Community Benefit Fund to the community based upon and annual payment of £5000 per MW of generation capacity installed on the Sorbie Wind Farm. This sum will be guaranteed for the lifetime of the development, which is intended to be twenty five years from the date of commissioning.
Payment to be distributed evenly between the three towns community groups. ACDT will therefore receive and annual payment based on £1,666.67 per MW of generation capacity installed on the Sorbie Wind Farm.
The annual fund total will be dependent on the final installed capacity of the Sorbie Wind Farm. Payment will be made annually in advance.
The project is progressing well with the pre-construction activities for Sorbie windfarm being completed at present. The turbines are in place and should be producing power soon.
As part of this pre-construction work a scope of local procurement has been agreed with North Ayrshire council so that the amount of construction funds are maximised and are spent with local businesses.
To find out more about the opportunity for local businesses to become involved please check the project page on the EnergieKontor website.

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