We are working alongside partners Transport Scotland, Calmac, CMAL and Peel Ports Group on a major project to redevelop Ardrossan Harbour.
The Ardrossan Harbour taskforce is working to secure a preferred design option, in order to improve facilities, operations and the resilience of the Ardrossan-Brodick ferry service.

Our vision involves creating 21st century transport hubs for Ardrossan and Brodick.
Our vision involves creating 21st century transport hubs for Ardrossan and Brodick. Through improved services, the hubs will offer real value to:
- users
- communities
- businesses
The connectivity and quality of the local environment will support the needs of local communities by providing an:
- efficient
- reliable
- comfortable
experience for all ferry users.
We believe that the improvement works at Ardrossan Harbour will act as a catalyst for the wider regeneration of the Ardrossan area. A summary of the proposals for Ardrossan Harbour are provided in the project overview. The project plan details the timeline for the project and key milestones.
To find out more about the project, why not read our Frequently Asked Questions by clicking the button below.
Project team
The project is being developed with the partners using external consultancy support. View details of the project team and the scope of their work.
Initial engagement
The Initial Engagement & Communities update plan was presented to interested parties for feedback during 2 engagement sessions in October 2018. The outcome of the sessions is summarised in our consultation document.

Project Stage – Tender Design Stage
The upgrade to Ardrossan Harbour will make this vital ferry link more resilient and reliable, as well as improving the experience for passengers. The project will deliver marine and landside infrastructures upgrades which include:
- re-alignment of the Arran berth
- new linkspan
- navigation aids
- quay improvements and a new passenger access system
- a new terminal building
- improved marshalling areas
- upgrading the existing car park
- improved accessibility supported by excellent multi-modal transport interchanges that offer travel choices for all users
The project moved to tender design stage April 2022, led by Peel Ports Group (PPG) with input from project partners, Transport Scotland, Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL), CalMac Ferries Ltd (CFL), North Ayrshire Council (NAC) and Arran Ferry Committee.
This stage includes gathering and preparation of all supporting documents, drawings etc for the drafting and publication of the Invitation to Tender document as part of the Procurement Process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2020 (including 2015 and 2016). This stage will take a number of months to complete prior to progressing to tender bid and evaluation stage and then to contract award and mobilisation; subject to funding approval and agreement of commercial terms with project partners.
The Ardrossan project is overseen by a Ministerial Task Force which brings together Transport Scotland, Peel Ports Group, North Ayrshire Council, CalMac Ferries Ltd, Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd, the Arran Ferry Committee and Kenneth Gibson MSP.
The update provided is form the Scottish government website, you can also view a list of questions and answers about the project by following this link.
We are keen to hear everyone’s views to help inform the development of the design for the landside works. We are developing an accessible and inclusive consultation process to support this. This will provide a range of ways to access the consultation information, take part in the process and provide feedback. The methods used for this will be informed by the guidance on Covid-19 restrictions at the time. The consultation will:
enable interested parties to contribute to the development of the landside works designs
ensure that the facilities are fit for purpose
The timescales for consultation will be confirmed when the negotiations in relation to funding for the project are complete. To register your interest in the consultation process at this stage please email your preferred method of contact and contact details to: ardrossanharbourproject@north-ayrshire.gov.uk
Ardrossan Harbour Company Limited, as the statutory harbour authority for Ardrossan Harbour, has applied to the Scottish Ministers for a harbour revision order under section 14 of the Harbours Act 1964. The Order would repeal sections of historic legislation and confer the power to grant leases on the Company.
There are no proposed works or land for compulsory acquisition and there are no proposals to extinguish or divert any public right of way over a footpath or bridleway. Further details are provided in the Harbour Revision Order (PDF, 14kb)

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