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Sustrans Scotland

Find out more about the projects the we are working on with the expertise and assistance of Sustrans Scotland.
Sustrans Scotland

Sustrans Scotland has partnered with North Ayrshire Council and Ardrossan Community Development Trust on the Ardrossan Connections project to improve the experience for everyone using National Cycle Network Routes going through Ardrossan whether they choose to walk, cycle or wheel, and spending time in the centre of Ardrossan.

Through a collaborative design process, the project will inspire, empower and support the community and local council to enhance the National Cycle Network for walking, cycling and wheeling, and support the development of a more accessible, safe and welcoming centre of Ardrossan for residents, visitors and local businesses.


Local Development

As well as developing a safe, accessible and attractive walking, wheeling, and cycling route for everyone, the aim is to improve signage, celebrate local heritage, improve access to public transport and support access to affordable, independent and non-motorised travel.

We are currently at the initial design stage where we are gathering feedback from the community on the draft designs through online and offline surveys, as well as online and in-person events. This included a great event at the Frank Sweeney Centre on Wednesday 6th April, where 44 people turned up to view the designs and share their feedback.

Find Out More About Sustrans

Visit the Website to find out more about the work they do and the projects they are involved in., and why they are such a valuable project partner for the Ardrossan Connections Project!

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