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19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA
ACDT Employment Application Form

Job Post Details

Position Applied For
Job Location / Dept

Personal Details (A)

Relationship To Any Other Employee Of The Organisation (B)

As far as you know, are you related to either a staff or committee member of the Trust? If YES, please provide details. If NO please type N/A

Education Details (C)

List all Colleges, Polytechnics or Universities attended (give details of examinations taken and results awarded or awaiting). Non-UK educated applicants please specify country where study took place.
Enter Secondary School Name Here
Qualifications Obtained, Grade(s) and Major Subjects Studied. Non-UK educated applicants please specify country where study took place.

Professional Qualifications (D)

Qualification Obtained, Membership of Professional Institution etc. Write N/A if not applicable
Name of Awarding Body Here. Write N/A if not applicable

Training Courses (E)

(Please give details of any relevant short courses or training undertaken and the training providers) Write N/A if not applicable

Voluntary Work (F)

Organisation Name & Position Held.Write N/A if not applicable
Nature Of Involvement With This Organisation.Write N/A if not applicable
i.e Company Car, Employee Health Scheme etc.Write N/A if not applicable

Previous Employment (H)

List in order, with your most recent employer first. Please Leave This Section Blank If Not Applicable.

In Support Of Your Application (I)

ACDT wishes to compare your experience, skills and knowledge with our requirements. You should therefore, try to show in the following part of the form how you satisfy these. This does not have to be from paid work, but can be from other experience. Please given relevant information on the following:

Job References (J)

Name, Address and Occupation of two Referees. They should know you in a work capacity, if previously employed. One of these Referees should be your current or most recent employer (ACDT does not accept references from family members).

Details Of Referee (1)

Details Of Referee (2)

Interview Details (K)

We are committed to being an Equal Opportunities Employer and do not discriminate in any way.
Please state any dates that you would be unable to attend the interview and selection process in Ardrossan in the next 8 weeks.

Rehabilitation Of Offenders Act 1974 (N)

Declaration (Please Read Carefully) (Q)

The information you provide on this form will be used for the purposes of assessing your suitability for appointment; this may involve contacting referees, previous employers, or educational establishments, to confirm the validity of information provided. If your application is unsuccessful we will dispose of this information in line with our Data Protection and Employment Policies. We will use the information you provide to fulfil our legal requirement to monitor equal opportunities; however, this will be used for statistical purposes only.

I have read this application form fully and I declare that the information I have given in support of my application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete. I understand that if it is subsequently discovered that any statement is false or misleading, or that I have withheld any relevant information my application may be disqualified or, if I have already been appointed, I may be dismissed without notice.
By clicking "I Agree" you agree to the declaration above, and that all information submitted is factually correct to the best of your knowledge.
By typing your name in this box you are digitally signing this application form.
Todays Date

Eligibility to Work in the United Kingdom Questionnaire

In order to comply with current UK Legislation, ACDT requires that all potential employees provide certain documents concerning their eligibility to work in the United Kingdom.

Listed below are some examples of common documents to prove your eligibility (this list is not exhaustive):
  • British Passport.
  • Passport from the EEC.
  • Passport showing you are a British Citizen or that you have the right to abode in the UK.
  • Passport with working visa.
  • Full UK Birth Certificate WITH National Insurance Number
  • Work permit issued by Work Permits UK along with a letter issued to you by the Home Office confirming that you are able to stay in the UK and can take the work permit employment in question.
  • A passport or other travel document endorsed to show that you can stay indefinitely in the UK or that has no time limit on your stay

Note: Under relevant United Kingdom Legislation you should note that a Work Permit, a Visa, or both, may be required if you are not a citizen of a European Economic Area (EEA) Country. It is an offence to employ an individual who is subject to immigration control, and who does not have permission to reside in the UK.
By typing your name in this box you are confirming that you are eligible to work in the UK.
Todays Date
By signing and returning this form you acknowledge and understand the above legal requirement and that you recognise the restrictions on recruitment with which ACDT is required to follow.
Please note you will be required to produce the documents / declarations required by legislation if short-listed for interview (if requested to do so).